Our Mandate for Ministry was received from God Himself with a Divine Word from Heaven.

Let me share my Testimony…

I remember studying the Word of God preparing for Sunday Service and falling asleep and the Spirit of the Lord took me in a Vision that was so real. I was Preaching the Word of God and the scripture came from Genesis 19 about Sodom and Gomorrah and how they where visited by two angles with a Divine Word from God to save them but the only way they could be free they where required NOT TO LOOK BACK. I continued to Preach in this vision and we know that the Bible tells us Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt and in this Vision God gave me a title for this message…WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T LOOK BACK! I woke up the next morning know it’s Sunday and I’m preparing to Preach for Service and I’m looking through my Word and the Holy Spirit tell me your going to Preach from Genesis 19 and I responded and said Lord I just Preached that and the Spirit said no I gave you that in your dream. I want you to Preach that scripture and I want you to title it WHATEVER YOU DO DON”T LOOK BACK!! The time now has come when I’m in my office at Church and the Spirit of the Lord said “ My People are Hungry and yet you Have Not Fed Them”. I remember saying but Lord I Preach and Teach with Everything with in me. I Study your Word and Rely on the Holy Spirit to Teach the Word” Then I remember the Spirit of the Lord saying to me “I know you do and your people you have taught are full of my Word and they will know in due Season the reason I’m sending you now into your own Ministry . (Remember I haven’t Preached yet ) the Spirit then tells me “I need you to Go Feed My People that are Hungry and Broken. For they need to be fed so that they may have LIFE and have ETERNAL LIFE ”. That Sunday as I gave the scripture Genesis 19 and gave the title for my message the and Spirit of the Lord said this is for YOU!! WHATEVER YOU DO DON”T LOOK BACK! and now I know that the Spirit was telling me not to look back not because I would turn into a pillar of salt but because if I did I would of NEVER been able to Walked away from my Congregation and the Man of God that Poured His Oil on me and gave me His Mantel and raised me up in Ministry but I knew WITHOUT a DOUBT GOD had given the Vision and I was Pregnant with A Promise for such a Time as this . Amen

This was God’s way of preparing me and my husband Brother Chip for the Vision of Living Water Ministry Birthed out by FAITH with a DIVINE CHARGE from the LORD….


Pastor Lisa Baldwin